Reptures in Alliance – Therapeutic Work Alliance and Work on Alliance Disorders – PhD Gregor Žvelc, clinical psychologist, integrative, TA, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, and MA Maša Žvelc, psychologist, psychotherapist

Module on the topic:

“Reptures in Alliance”
“Therapeutic Work Alliance and Work on Alliance Disorders “

was held:
13th-14th May, 2017.

The module was led by PhD Gregor Žvelc, Clinical Psychologist, Integrative, TA, Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapist, and Asist.mag. Masa Žvelc, psychologist, psychotherapist.


During two intensive days, through theoretical presentation, small group work, plenary discussions, therapeutic work, large groups, students of the First and Second Generations are introduced to:
– Therapist’s qualities
– Therapeutic relationships
– “I” and “You” in therapy
– Unconditional “acceptance”
– Reflective abilities
– Empathy
– The most common mistakes in the therapeutic process
– Therapeutic work alliance
– Work on alliance disorders

first and second generation students