Shame and Identity: A Relational Developmental approach to working with Children and Young People – Joanna Hewitt Evans, psihoterapeut

Poštovane kolegice, kolege, članovi i prijatelji BHIDAPA-e,

Shame and Identity:
A Relational Developmental approach to working with Children and Young People

održao se
12.-13.03.2016. godine

Voditeljica Modula bila je Joanna Hewitt Evans, integrativni psihoterapeut
Director of EUROIPS, UK


Modul je održan za studente iz Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine, a koji su u Europskom edukacijskom programu iz integrativne dječje i adolescentne psihoterapije.

“Children are born wired for relationship. As neuroscience confirms they thrive on attunement and connection. Disruptions to contact, to a child's spontaneous yearning to be seen, result in shame, often referred to as ‘the master emotion’. Repeated experiences of shame impact the development of identity, lead to unhelpful defences and the loss of aspects of the self. In this workshop we have had explored the phenomenology and aetiology of shame, and also the ways in which we defend against it. We have considered our personal experience of and responses to shame as well as those of our child and adolescent clients. As Siegel reminds us, it is important we attend to our own oxygen mask first before we can safely take care of the needs of others. The workshop has included theory and experiential exercises, that can be used with children and young people, in order to help build resilience to shame, as well as the opportunity for personal work and supervision.”

Ko sam kad me stid preplavi? O čemu mislim, šta osjećam kada od stida poželim nestati. Kako da se uskladim sa sobom i drugima ako mi stid zamagli pogled. Osvijetliti tamne prostore ispunjene stidom u sebi put je kojim koračamo i prema sebi i prema svijetu i kada se najviše stidmo i stid nas zaustavlja da uđemo u kontakt, jedina nada za oporavak je upravo kontakt. Kako se ohrabriti i pokazati sebe, a time dobiti poštovanje i ljubav drugih? Ali kakav bi bio svijet bez stida?
Mudrost je pronaći ravnotežu.

Hvala Nina za profesionalni prijevod tokom radionice!

S radošću i uvažavanjem,
voditelj Modula i studenti postdiplomske nastave
Iz integrativne dječje i adolescentne psihoterapije