Interview and counseling of children in contact with the law in judicial institutions organized by the Association of Psychologists of the Republika of Srpska

It was a great pleasure and honor to share knowledge and exchange experiences with professionals, expert associates / advisors employed in the Prosecutor’s Office, the court and the police of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The training was organized by the Association of Psychologists of Republika Srpska in partnership with UNICEF BiH and its partners Sida and SDC, within the specialist training “Interview and counseling of children in contact with the law in judicial institutions”, within the project “Strengthening a comprehensive systemic approach contact with the law “.

Topics covered by the training were:

Access to children and the necessary skills of a professional associate in working with sexually abused children and their parents,

Techniques for counseling child victims of sexual abuse,

High parental conflict, recognition of parental manipulation of the child during divorce and the consequences,

Risk and protective factors in the process of recovery of a child with experience of abuse

The training was led by Dr. sc Mirela Badurina