Emotional Literacy

BHIDAPA in collaboration with the D.O.M. Institute plans to implement in 2017 a program entitled: “Emotional Literacy – Developing Socio-Emotional Skills in School and Kindergarten”.

The Emotional Literacy Project – Developing Socio-Emotional Skills in School and Kindergarten focuses on educating parents, teachers and educators about the importance of developing emotional literacy in children, and on the ways in which emotional intelligence in children is developed and learned. Through interactive lectures and workshops with users, the project also focuses on developing emotional literacy with parents, teachers and educators with the aim of increasing their self-satisfaction, parenting, their job, reduced work-related or personal stress, and a more positive work climate.

Although there is much talk about emotional intelligence and its importance to academic, social and personal success worldwide, in BiH there is no continuing education for school and kindergarten staff on ways to encourage and develop social and emotional skills in children. Also, there is even less education of professionals about the importance of developing emotional literacy with them, individuals who deal directly with children in their daily lives. Such education aims to improve the school and preschool climate in institutions, which has a positive outcome both on the satisfaction and facilitation of academic success of children, as well as on employee satisfaction, on the reduction of stress and undesirable behaviors in children.

Emotional intelligence refers to our ability to control those aspects of our lives related to emotions. Daniel Goleman, American Psychologist.

The importance of emotional intelligence in school and kindergarten

  • Research indicates that intelligence is associated with personal success in 25%. Emotional intelligence is much more responsible for success in life.
  • Developing a child’s emotional intelligence reliably influences better academic success
  • Developing emotional intelligence acts as a preventative factor for developing unacceptable behavior, developing addiction, dropping out of further education, developing depression and aggression
  • The development of emotional intelligence has a positive impact on the social functioning of the individual and on the positive social climate in school and kindergarten

5 Areas of Emotional Intelligence (Taken by D. Goleman)

1. Self awareness
  • understanding your own emotional reactions
  • managing your own emotional state
2. Control over emotions
  • strategies for managing emotional reactions
  • regardless of the stress of the situation
3. Motivation
  • understanding your own emotional reactions
  • managing your own emotional state
4. Empathy
  • the ability to recognize others’ emotions leading to more positive social relationships
  • leads to a better social climate in the environment
  • leads to greater productivity in the school or environment
  • helps us resolve conflicts
5. Relationships with others / cooperativeness
  • a good understanding of one’s and others’ emotions helps to create and preserve relationships

Downloaded and adapted with Institut D.O.M.