“Grieving in children”
was held:
from 09.-11.12.2016.
The module was led by Bruna Profaca, clinical psychologist, Head of Diagnostics and Treatment at the Child Protection Clinic in Zagreb.
The module is a mandatory part for students in the final year of the European educational program in child and adolescent integrative psychotherapy.
During the three days, students gained knowledge and skills related to working with grieving children and their families:
– Losses, reactions to losses and grief of children of different ages
– How to tell a child sad news?
– Support for the child in the family and school
– Stages of grief, processing of loss
– Professional work with a grieving child: when does the child need professional help and what kind?
– Counseling the parents of the grieving child
– Effective and ineffective support after a loss
The module was realized through short lectures and creative workshops in which the participants gained experience through experience in various processes related to grief after loss, both for themselves and for children. Students received supervision of their work, and through experiential work and encouragement of personal growth and development.