
Pursuant to Articles 10 and 12 of the Law on associations and foundations of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of BiH, 32/01, 42/03, 63/08, 76/11, 94/16, 68/18) as well as Article 28of the Statute, the Assembly of the Bosnian Herzegovinian Association for Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, at the meeting held on 12.06.2019 in Sarajevo, has adopted a decision on amendments to the Statute, pursuant to which the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina issues Decision no. UP09-07-1-1342 / 19 07/31/2019., no. UP09-07-1-116/21 28/04/2021. and classifies the Association for its area of activity: 14. HEALTH PROTECTION


Bosnian-Herzegovinian Association for Integrative Child and Adolescent
Consolidated Version


Article 1
The Association has been established by the Resolution passed at the meeting of the Constituent Assembly of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Association for Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (hereinafter: the Association) held on 11.12.2014 in Sarajevo, as per the Law on Associations and Foundations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: the Law).

Article 2

In line with Article 12 of the Law, the Association’s Statute shall regulate the following:
– full and abbreviated name, seat and address of the Association;
– objectives and activities;
– process of admission to membership and termination of membership;
– Association’s bodies, process and manner of their election, authorisation they hold, quorum
– and voting rules, term of office, person authorised to convene the General Meeting, conditions and manner of dissolution;
– process of amending the Statute, authorisations and enactment of any other general documents of the Association;
-rules defining acquisition, use and disposal of assets of the Association, as well as body authorised to oversee use of these funds;
– delivery of a report on financial operations and activities of the Association;
– description of form and contents of the Association’s stamp and logo;
-representation of the Association;
– conditions and process of merger, e-merger, i.e. cessation of operations of the
Association, including any special quorum or rules of qualified majority and voting process;
– process of disposal with remaining assets or other funds in case of dissolution or cessation of operations of the Association;
– other issues related to activities and operations of the Association in line witht he Law and this Statute.


Article 3
Full name of the Association is: Bosansko-hercegovačka integrativna dječja i adolescentna psihoterapijska Asocijacija
Bosansko-hercegovačka integrativna dječja i adolescentna psihoterapijska Asocijacija
Босанско-херцеговачка интегративна и адолесцентна психотерапијска асоцијација
Abbreviated name of the Association is:


The Association’s name in English language is: Bosnian-Herzegovinian Association for Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Abbreviated name of the Association in English is: BHAICAP

The Association’s name is identical in all three languages in use in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The official use of the name is in Latin and Cyrillic alphabet.

Article 4
Seat of the Association is in: Sarajevo, No. 70C Radnička Street. Seat of the Subsidiary of the Association is in: Sarajevo, No. 9 Emerika Bluma Street.

Article 5
The Association is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation that does not intend to make any profit.
The Association operates within the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Article 6
The Association may change its name and seat based on decision by the Association’s General Meeting and in accordance with the Law and this Statute. Тhe Association may open associates in the country and abroad, without inherent legal entity, in a manner stipulated by positive legal regulations, on which a decision is passed by the Assembly.

Article 7
The Association will aquire the status of legal entity, with the rigts, obligations and responsibilities, on the date of registration in the register with the competent ministry.


Article 8
The Association’s stamp has a round shape and 30mm diameter. On its edges, there is evenly
distributed full name of the Association in Latin letters: Bosansko-hercegovačka integrativna dječja i adolescentna psihoterapijska Asocijacija and seat of the Association: Sarajevo. In the middle of the stamp is the logo of the Association.
The logo is a colorful house with two stylized human body shapes of different sizes. Beneath the logo, in different letter sizes, is the abbreviated name of the BHIDAPA Association in Latin script.

Article 9
The Association may possess more than one stamp, whereas each has to be numbered.

Article 10

Chief Executive Officer of the Association takes care of preservation and usage of the stamp.


The objectives and the activities of the association are:
– Promoting, developing and improving education in the field of psychotherapy and psychotherapeutical counseling for children and youth in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the aim of preserving and improvement of mental health and well-being of each child / adolescent, as well as improving the quality of family life for children and youth.
– Promoting the training of professionals in the fields of: child and adolescent integrative psychotherapy and psychotherapy counseling, integrative psychotherapy for adults, techniques and skills in dealing with children, crisis intervention and supervision through lectures, workshops and training in accordance with European standards;
– Working on the establishment of a counseling and supervision conducted by authorized supervisors and educators, regulated by EIATSCYP (European Interdisciplinary
Association for Therapeutic Services for Children & Young People); EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy);
– Improving the implementation of educational activities in the field of developmental psychotherapy and related professions, and encouraging a high level of professional and scientific work through research, in the manner prescribed by the Law;
– Development of interdisciplinary cooperation with domestic or foreign related Associations, Institutions and individuals in projects dealing with education and treatment of children, adolescents and adults in accordance with the Law
– Promoting the development of uniform standards in order to protect the rights of children and adolescents, and improving the conditions for regular mental
development, in accordance with the European and world Standards;
– Advocating for inclusion in certain forms of education and cooperation of all professions dealing with the protection of health and well-being of children and young people in accordance with the Law;
– Education and informing for the purpose of conducting preventive activities aimed at:
strengthening health determinants, early recognition of emotional disorders and behavioral disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders and adequate interventions, which includes families, and especially education and informing of young families, about the significance and role of parents in development of a child, and the importance of development of safe attachment with kindergarten teachers, teachers, professors, pupils and parents in schools, through lectures, workshops and publications;
– Encouraging the establishment of an organization and implementation of measures to protect the traumatized, abused and neglected children, in order to establish and implement a multidisciplinary diagnostics and team planning of the best possible treatment for each child and parents in cooperation with related institutions, in the best interests of the child and his / her welfare (school, kindergartens, CZSR, MHC, police, homes, children’s villages, etc.), in the manner envisaged by the Law;
– Pursuing the best possible treatment with psychotraumatized children and
-their parents (including abused and neglected children), with children who are at risk of abuse and neglect (children with learning disabilities, with ADHD syndrome, chronic diseases, prematurely born children, children from the families with broken dynamics and risky families, children whose parents have more intense parental or social problems, high-profile divorce, etc.), and children and young people in contact with the law;
– Advancement in the organization of continuous improvement in the application of new methods of work with psychotraumatized children and young people, and their families, as well as advocating for coordinated cooperation with other mental health professionals, related associations, institutions and individuals, with the aim of sharing experience and creating joint programs, and approaches, at home and abroad;
– Working on encouraging professional and scientific work and research of the
Association members through continuous education, supervision, personal
development, and participation in the professional and scientific gatherings in the country and abroad;
– Advocating for the continuous and systematic supervision of experts working with children, young people and families, as well as the development of regular contacts with related institutions, that communicate with the child (hospital, kindergarten, school, social welfare center, police, court, children’s homes).
– Organizing professional seminars, lectures, workshops based on gaining experience, as well as conferences, congress’, in order to achieve the goals and activities of the
Association: in accordance with the Law;
-Informing the expert medical public through cooperation and cooperation with the
– Publishing of scientific journals, handbooks, textbooks, brochures, promotional materials with the aim of promoting children’s rights, and sensitizing the society, and especially the expert on the seriousness of the problem of child abuse, the possibilities of recognition and providing appropriate assistance and support, and raising public awareness about the importance of preservation and improvement of mental health and quality of life of children, adolescents and families, for the purpose achievement of the goals and activities of the Association in the manner stipulated by the Law;

– Work on protection against sexual exploitation and abuse and advocacy of zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse (Protection against sexual exploitation and abuse – PSEA) with the aim of advocating an explicit policy of zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse (according to the UN definition).

–Support to Initiatives to raise awareness among members of the association regarding abuse (Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse – PSEA), mandatory training for all members on PSEA policies and procedures of the organization, responsible action through response and reporting of violations.
– Encouraging the provision of conditions for opening Polyclinic for the protection of children, young people and family.

The Association can perform economic activities that are directly related to goals of The Associations referred to in Article 11 of this Statute. (book publishing, books and specialized literature). For the activities not directly related to the objectives of the
Association from this article, The Association may establish special legal entity, in accordance with Article 4 of the Law.


The founders of the Association are also the members of the Assembly, who aquire the status of the members of the Association on a day of registration in the Association Register.
Members of the association are individuals, citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as foreign citizens who live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and who accept the statute and program objectives and activities of the Association.
Members may also be legal entities registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A member of the Association may be any person who regularly pays a membership fee, acts in the direction of the given goals and programs of the Association, complies with the decision and conclusions of the Executive Director and the Assembly

Admission to membership is decided by the Assembly.
Members of the Association may be:
– Permanent Members
– Permanent members of the expert team
– External members – expert team associates
– Permanent members of the education team
– Members of the scientific and professional team
– Board members for children, young people and parents
– Honorary members

Article 15
Permanent members are individuals and legal persons, referred to in Article 13 of this Statute, who have acquired the status of a member o the Associations.

Permanent members of the expert team are natural and legal persons referred to in Article 13 of this Statute, who have acquired the capacity of a member of the Association and actively participate in achieving the goals of the Association’s activities referred to in Article 11 of this Statute.

External members of the expert team are natural and legal persons referred to in Article 13 of this Statute, who have acquired the status of a member of the Association and occasionally participate in achieving the goals of the Association’s activities referred to in Article 11 of this Statute.

Permanent members of the education team are natural and legal persons referred to in Article 13 of this Statute, who have acquired the status of a member of the Association and actively participate in achieving the goals of the Association’s activities referred to in Article 11 of this Statute.

Members of the scientific and professional team are natural and legal persons referred to in Article 13 of this Statute, who have acquired the status of a member of the Association and occasionally participate in achieving the goals of the Association’s activities referred to in Article 11 of this Statute.

The honorary member may become an individual or legal person, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as a foreigner citizen, who has a registered residence and who gives significant results in promotion of goals and activities of the Association.

To become a member, you need to submit an application form on prescribed form. The received member is enrolled in the register of membership.

The association keeps a list of its members.

Termination of membership
Membership in the Association stops:
I. At member’s own request, by signing a statement of withdrawal from the Association.
2. The exclusion of a member in case they are acting in contradiction to the goals and statutes of the Association.
3. Death of a member
4. Termination of legal personality.

Each member of the Association can freely withdraw from membership

With the decision of the member of the Association on the withdrawal from membership, the Executive Director of the Association is informed about the decision of the member of the Association, to withdraw from the membership, after which the registration of the withdrawal is done.

The exclusion from membership is done in the case when a member of the Association violates the provisions of the Statute or other rules of the Association, or if it acts contrary to the goals and interests of the Association.

The decision on termination of the status of a member of the association is made by the Executive Director of the Association.

A person who is dissatisfied with the decision referred to in the preceding paragraph may file a complaint to the Assembly of the Associations within 15 days from the date of receipt of the decision.

The Assembly shall consider the complaint from the preceding paragraph at the first following session and make a final decision.

Article 19
The Association members shall have the following rights:
– elect and be elected to the bodies of the Association,
– give proposals, opinions and suggestions,
– monitor activities of the Association and launch initiatives to solve matters of interests for the Association,
– to be regularly informed about the activities of the Association,
– use support of the Association in protecting its rights.

Article 20
Duties of the Association members are as follows:
1. participate in activities of the Association,
2. diligently and responsibly conduct their duties and tasks related to operations and activities of the Association,
3. advocate activities of the Association, especially in terms of its program objectives,
4.comply with The Ethical code of the Association,
5. to contribute to the reputation of the Association with their labour
6. regularly fulfil their obligations towards the Association and implement decisions, opinions and conclusions of the Association’s bodies,
7. duly and timely settle their membership fee,
8. adhere to provisions of this Statute.

Article 21
Forms of responsibilities of the members shall be defined by the Rules of Disciplinary Accountability to be adopted by the Executive director of the Association.

Article 22

Association’s bodies are:
1. General Meeting
2. Executive director

The General Meeting represents the body of the Association. It includes all the members of the Association with equal voting rights The work of the Assembly is managed by the President of the Assembly, elected and dismissed by the Assembly.
The term of office of the President of the Assembly is four years from the possibility of re-election.

Article 23
The Association’s General Meeting can be:

Article 24
A regular General Meeting convenes on as needed basis, i.e. at least once during a calendar year. Its objective is to control operations of the Association via the annual activity report of the Association.

A special General Meeting shall be convened on an exceptional basis, i.e. in an event of unforeseen difficulties in its operations, disturbed relations within the organisation or other circumstances affecting operations and vital interests of the Association.

Activities of the General Meeting are closer defined in the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting.

Article 25
The Assembly of the Association shall be convened by the chairman of the Assembly at least 15 days before the convention.

The chairman of the Assemby is obliged to convene the Assembly in case if it is required by at least 1/3 of the members of the Assembly, at least two members, or if it is requested by the Executive Director of the Association.

Article 26

Activities of the Assembly shall be managed by the Chairman of the Assembly.
The Assembly shall nominate the minutes-take to take minutes of the General Meeting.

The minutes shall reflect main course of the meeting and summarise all decisions and opinions reached.

The chairman of the General Meeting:
– Takes care of the organisation if the Assembly and convene its sessions,
– Proposes the meeting agenda.
Chairs the General Meeting,
– Signs documents adopted by the General Meeting,
– ensures implementation of decisions, conclusions and other documents of the General Meeting
– Performs other duties assigned by the Assembly in accordance with the Law and this statute.

Article 27
The General Meeting operates and makes decisions in accordance with the Statute and Rules of Procedure, where its quorum is plurality of the votes of all members of the General Meeting of the Association.

The General Meeting makes valid decisions by plurality of the votes of present members of the General Meeting of the Association, if not defined otherwise by this Statute, i.e. if qualified majority is not required to resolve on certain issues.

The voting process of the General Meeting is open for public, except if the General Meeting does not determine otherwise at the very session.

Article 28
Within its competency, the Assembly performs the following:
– adopts the Statute of the Association and its amendments and other general acts determined by the statute
– decide on merger, demerger and cessation of operations of the Association, as well as other status changes of the Association,
– adopts Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting,
– elects the chairman of the Assembly and Executive Director of the Association,
– adopt the annual activity program and plan of the Association,
– adopt the activity reports and financial statements prepared by the Executive director of the Association,
– decide on the amount and manner of payment of the membership fee,
– elect and recall authorised representative of the Association OVDJE DODAJ,
– adopt the final statement of accounts,
– provide authentic interpretation of this Statute,
– act as the second-instance body related to the complaints procedure,
– decides on cessation of operations of the Association,
– discuss and adopt activity reports of the Association filed by the Executive director of the Association,
– decides on honorary members of the Association and other activities not falling within the competency of other bodies of the Association.


Transactions and activities of the Association are managed by the Executive Director of the Association, who shell be selected and resolved duties by the Assembly, in accordance with this Statute.

Mandate of the Executive Director of the Association lasts four years with the possibility of re-election.

The Executive Director is responsible for his work to the Assembly and in accordance with the legal regulations in this regard statute and other acts of the Association.

Article 31
The Director shall perform the following rights, activities and responsibilities:
-represents the Association in legal matters;
– he/she is in charge of implementing policies and other decisions brought by the Assembly
– orders implementation of the financial plan of the Association;
– he/she is in charge of transactions and making decisions, in the framework of the work programmes and plans for the development of the Association,
– determines the implementation plans and work assignments,
– he/she is responsible for the legality and business of the association
– prepares and proposes the adoption of all acts within the competence of the Assembly of the Association,
– adopts general acts, except for those which are in the explicit competence of the Assembly,
– monitors the implementation of the financial plan of the Association,
– executing decisions of the Assembly,
– manages the assets of associations,
– adopts the Rules on Disciplinary Responsibility
– he has other rights and obligations determined by the general acts of the Association and the law given by the Assembly.

Article 32
The Executive Director may be recalled from duty even before expiry of his/her term of office.

This refers to the following cases:
– at his/her own request;
-in case he/she doesn’t perform regularly the duties and tasks of the Executive Director in the other cases stipulated by the Law and this Statute.
The initiative for the dismissal of the Executive Director may be given by 1/3 members of the Assembly.

-The Executive Director of the Association is authorized to make decisions on all matters pertaining to the current activity of the Association, except for matters falling within the competence of the Great Meeting.

The Executive Director of the Association may appoint a person who shall have the authority entrusted to him by the Executive Director of the Association, except for representing the Association in legal transactions.

Article 33
For purpose of comprehensive consideration and decision-making on issues within the scope of activities of the Association, the General Meeting may form permanent or temporary committees.

Their composition and scope of operations are defined by the decision of the General Meeting of the Association.

Article 34
Revenues of the Association shall include the following:
– membership fees,
– voluntary contributions and gifts by private and legal persons, either foreign or domestic, made in cash, services or property of any kind,
-income based on interest, dividends, equity, rent, honorarium and similar sources of passive income,
-income generated in relation to fulfilment of the Association’s objectives and activities in accordance with the law,
– from other lawful sources.

Article 35
Obtaining, using and disposing with assets of the Association shall be defined by the financial plan to be adopted by the General Meeting at the proposal of the Executive Director of the Association. According to the financial plan, the Executive Director of the Association shall decide on the use of funds.

Article 36
The General Meeting of the Association shall oversee the use of funds.

The General Meeting shall examine all documents related to financial operations, especially periodic, semi-annual and final annual financial statements.

Documents from the previous paragraph shall be considered by the General Meeting at its regular annual session and, if necessary, at its special session.

This is to be filed to competent authorities in line with the Law, other regulation and this Statute.

The Association shall maintain business books in line with generally accepted accounting principles and prepare financial statements based on relevant laws.

Article 37
Operations of the Association are of public nature. Their transparency is achieved via direct information and public media related to all major activities.

All members shall have full insight into implementation of activities in all segments of the Association’s operations, as well as into all planned activities.

The data of all the users of the Association’s services is considered ‘trade secret’, which is in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the Association and communication of these data without the consent of the user, would jeopardize preserving the integrity of an individual / group.

Article 38
Members of the Association shall be regularly informed of its activities. The Executive director shall be responsible for transparency of its operations.

Article 39

The General Meeting is in charge of adoption of the Statute, its amendments and other general documents defined by the Statute.

Amendments to the Statute shall be adopted by the General Meeting based on a two-thirds majority of the total number of its active members.

An initiative to amend the Statute may be filed by 2/3 of the Association’s members.
The initiative shall be filed with the Executive director of the Association, which in turn prepares the wording of the draft amendments to the Statute.

Article 40
In addition to the Statute, the Association may adopt other general documents.
The Association’s bodies may adopt its general documents, rules and decisions that ought to be in accordance with the Law and this Statute.

Article 41

The Association may merge into another association or demerge thereof in line with the Law.

The decisions from the previous paragraph shall be made by the General Meeting based on a two-thirds majority of all members of the Association’s General Meeting.
In particular, this decision regulates the following: name, seat, activities, and allocation of assets, rights and obligations, as well as any other issues related to status changes of the Association.


Article 42

The Association may voluntary cease its operations on basis of the Assembly’s decision or by the force of law.

An initiative to cease operations may be filed by 1/3 of its members in the following cases:
-if the number of the Association’s members is less than three.
-The Assembly shall issue a decision on voluntary cessation of operations based on a two-thirds majority of all members of the Assembly of the Association.

At the same time, the Assembly shall adopt a liquidation plan of the Association defining allocation of assets, rights and obligations of the Association in line with the Law and this Statute, whereas it is required to previously settle all its legal and contractual obligations.

The Assembly appoints a liquidator of the Association whose responsibility is to take care of the execution of the liquidation plane and who is authorized to represent the Association in the liquidation proceedings and in the proceedings of filing a request for a notification of the termination of work of the Association to the competent authorities.

In case of the cessation of existence based on the decision of the Assembly, the same shall issue a decision on termination of the existence of the Association by a two-thirds majority of the total number of members of the Assembly.

In the case of dissolution and termination of the Association, after the settlement of legal obligations, the assets of the Association will be assigned to another association that performs the same or similar statutory activities that The Association held; based on the decision of the Assembly.

Article 43
The Association shall cease to operate by the force of law in accordance with Articles 50 and 51 of the Law. if the time between two sessions of the Assembly is twice longer than the one defined in the Statute and the Assembly was not held at all.

Article 44
The Association represented and advocated for in legal transactions, by The Executive director of The Associations, within authorizations established by this Statute and by the law.
Article 45
In the legal proceedings in which the Association participates as a party in order to exercise its
rights, duties and responsibilities of the competent authorities, the Executive Director of the association may provide written authorization to the attorney or some other expert person for representation.

Article 46
For purpose of implementation of program objectives and activities of the Association outside its seat, the Association may form offices or other organisational forms within the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A decision to open an office or other organisational form shall be reached by the General Meeting of the Association.
The organisational forms from paragraph 1 herein shall not bear the status of a legal entity.

Article 47
Any interpretations of provisions contained herein shall be given by the General Meeting of the Association.

Article 48
The Statute shall come into force on the day of their adoption, which terminates the validity of Statute No.02 / 14 of 11.12.2014; this Statute will be applied from the day of registration in the register of the Association, with the competent ministry.


Decision: Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina (28/04/2021).

The association is classified for the field of activity: