On April 6th in Antwerp we became an equal member of the European Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Service for Children and Youth (EIATSCYP) and the first European accredited educational program in the field of integrative psychotherapy and counseling for children and adolescents in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

BHIDAPA is registered as a Training Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy by EAIP with additional specialization for the educational program in child and adolescent integrative psychotherapy. The certificate was delivered to us in April 2022.
Psychotherapy is an independent scientific discipline that is practiced at an advanced, qualified and scientific level. It covers a wide range of approaches and methods based on established theories, methodologies and research.

In 2017, BHIDAPA met the criteria and entered as a full member of the Association of Psychotherapeutic Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In December 2021, we met all the requirements as the Association for the Recognition Process of BHIDAPA as EAPTI, a European-recognized educational institute for psychotherapy, and officially submitted the complete documentation to the Training Accreditation Commission (TAC) and its permanent members.