Module 1: Forms of violence (online and offline): special focus on adolescent girls

BHIDAPA – European Accredited Psychotherapy Training Institute in cooperation with UNICEF and with the approval of the line ministries of the completed first cycle of specialized training Interdisciplinary network of experts “Here&Now”: Care About Adolescent Girls, we continue to develop and strengthen the established network of experts in order to raise awareness about violence, risks and interventions through theoretical, experiential, supervisory modules and focus groups.


The first module of the second cycle of the “Here & Now” Interdisciplinary Network of Experts: Care About Adolescent Girls was held on Thursday, May 4, 2023. year on the topic “Forms of violence (online and offline): special focus on adolescent girls”. A special asset of this program is the possibility of supervisory work and support for the personal growth and development of the participants through group processes.


The main trainers of the training are led by European accredited trainers: prof. Ph.D. Gordana Buljan Flander, clin. psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer and court expert for abused and neglected children and B.Sc. psychologist Sabina Zijadić-Husić, psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor.


At the opening ceremony of the first education-training cycle, welcoming words and welcome to the participants were given by dr. sc. Mirela Badurina, after that we took the time to get to know each other.

This cycle covers 17 municipalities, namely: Bugojno, Brčko District, Jajce, Kakanj, Ljubuški, Mostar, Pale, Prijedor, Sarajevo, Široki Brijeg, Srebrenik, Trebinje, Tuzla, Vareš, Višegrad, Visoko, Zenica

We would like to thank our dear colleagues for their trust and motivation during the module.