ABFT-Attchment Based Family Therapy u Poliklinici za zaštitu djece i mladih Grada Zagreba

We are pleased to be invited by Prof. dr. sc. Gordana Buljan Flander, director of the Polyclinic for Child and Youth Protection of the City of Zagreb, to learn about family therapy based on attachment in the treatment of adolescents (ABFT-Attchment Based Family Therapy) together with the multidisciplinary team of the Polyclinic and colleagues from Slovenia and Serbia.The leader of the training was dr. Jody Russon from the USA.
We truly thank Prof. dr.sc. Gordana Buljan Flander and the valuable team of the Polyclinic for the invitation, welcome and selfless support of BHIDAPA – Center for the Protection of Children, Youth and Families in the Development of Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents in Bosnia and Herzegovina.