In accordance with the Statute of BHIDAPA, and according to the model of Child and Youth Protection Center of Zagreb, has 3 centers that include primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, which are:

European Accreditation Training Center
The tasks of the Educational Center are:
- Promotion, development, improvement of education in the field of psychotherapy and psychotherapy counseling for children and youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the aim of preserving and improving the mental health and well-being of each child / adolescent, as well as improvements the quality of life of families, children and young people;
- Encouragement to promote the education of professionals in the field of child and adolescent integrative psychotherapy and psychotherapy counseling, techniques and skills in working with children by the way lectures, workshops and trainings in accordance with European standards;
- Work on establishment of counseling centers, supervision conducted by authorized supervisors and educators regulated by EIATSCYP (European Interdisciplinary Association for Therapeutic Services for Children & amp; Young People); EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy);
- Improving the implementation of educational activities in the field of developmental psychotherapy, and related profession, and the promotion of a high degree of professional and scientific work through research, in a way foreseen by the Law;
- Developing interdisciplinary cooperation with domestic or foreign related Associations, Institutions and individuals, in projects dealing with children and adolescents, in accordance with Law;
- Promoting the development of uniform standards for the protection of the rights of children and adolescents; and improving the conditions for proper mental development, in line with the European and world standards;
- Engagement for inclusion in certain forms of education and cooperation of all the professions they work with children and adolescents;

An Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Child, Youth and Family Protection Center.
The tasks of the Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Child, Youth and Family Protection Center:
- Education and information for the purpose of conducting preventive activities aimed at strengthening health determinants, early recognition of emotional disorders and disorders in behavior, neurodevelopmental disorders and adequate interventions, which includes families, a especially young families, about the meaning and role of parents in developing a child and the importance of development safe attachments, kindergarten teachers, teachers, teachers, students and parents in schools through lectures, workshops and publications;
- Conducting detailed individual and family treatment and diagnosis of children’s difficulties young people who are being treated. This treatment is carried out multidisciplinary by psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, pediatrician, if necessary neuropediatry, social pedagogue, phonetics and social worker for all children and young people in whom there is a suspicion of abuse and neglect.
- planning the best possible treatment for each child, adolescent and parent, who will Help the child at all necessary levels, with all members participating multidisciplinary team, as well as parents / guardians
- Cooperation with institutions (school, kindergarten, CSWS, police, homes, children’s villages, etc.) with the aim of the welfare of a child
- conducting a psychological, psychotherapeutic, counseling, psychiatric and / or defectological individual treatment, according to the needs of the child.
- organizing and conducting group work with children, young people and their parents (group therapeutic work, personal growth and development groups, socialization groups, support groups)
- Conducting partner and family psychotherapy
- Advisory work with parents, kindergartens, schools through informative educational activities
- Continuous education, intervention and supervision of members of the interdisciplinary therapeutic Center for protection of children, young people and families

Scientific Research Center
The tasks of the Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Child, Youth and Family Protection Center are:
- Work on encouraging professional and scientific work and research of Center members through continuous education, supervision, personal development, and participation in the professional and scientific gatherings at home and abroad;
- Encourage the continuous and systematic supervision of professionals working with children, young people and families, and the development of regular contacts with related institutions, which communicate with the child (hospital, kindergarten, school, social welfare center,police, court, children’shome).
- Organizing professional seminars, lectures, experienced workshops, conferences,congress, in order to achieve the goals and activities of the Association in accordance with the Law;
- Attendance to conduct a high degree of education in the field of forensic activity and evaluations;
- Informing the professional medical public through cooperation and cooperation with the media;
- Publishing of scientific journals, manuals, textbooks, brochures, promotional material, with the goal of promoting children’s rights, and sensitizing the society, especially the experts on the seriousness of the problem of child abuse, the possibilities of identification and provision appropriate assistance and support, and raising public awareness of the importance of preservation and improvement of mental health and quality of life of children, adolescents and families, for the purpose achievement of goals and activities of the Association in the manner envisaged by the Law
Diagnostic and treatment work is carried out with psychotraumatized children and their parents (including abused and neglected children) and with children at risk of abuse and Neglect: children with learning problems, with ADHD syndrome, with chronic illnesses, prematurely born children, children from families with impaired dynamics and risky families, children whose parents are under more intense parental or general stress, high-deficits divorce, etc., and children and young people in contact with the law;
The mental health experts of the Center are from different therapeutic procedures and apply differently approaches: psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral approach, integrative therapy, gestalt therapy, realistic therapy.

The goals of BHIDAPA are to raise public awareness of health determinants and healthy growth importance of the qualities of the family and school environment, promotion of children’s rights, importance multidisciplinarity and intersectoral cooperation in the protection of children, the consequence of abuse and neglecting the mental health of children and young people, through continuous communication with the public through education, lectures, workshops, media, websites, and distribution of promotional materials, brochures and manuals. The healthy growth and development of children and adolescents, and society as a whole, widely depend on our current work, both in recognizing children’s needs, and organizing, accordingly optimal environment and influence, especially from the point of view of prevention, as well curative activities. We believe that with our actions we will help in early recognition and interventions through primary, secondary and tertiary preventive programs providing quality help.