Experiences from practice, unfortunately, show that our children often feel excluded, unseen, unrecognized, very often lonely, unaccepted, with feelings of worthlessness and misunderstanding, with feelings of betrayal and disappointment from those who are important to them and who love them. The results of research (Badurina, 2013), which are in line with practical experience and indicators of the World Health Organization, indicate that almost every fourth child in early adolescence suffers and is at high risk of developing mental difficulties, are worrying.
BHIDAPA was created in response to the results of research conducted in our area, new knowledge, but also clear insights that show that the largest deficit of experts in the field of mental health of children and adolescents (child psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists).
New insights clearly indicate that most psychological difficulties in adulthood have their roots in childhood. As a society, we must not forget, as Professor Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja says, that the future of every individual and humanity generally depends on the child, his development of self creation and the world around him. Therefore, BHIDAPA’s goal is to raise public awareness of healthy child development and adolescence as a particularly sensitive period of life, the importance of early recognition and interventions at all three levels, in order to prevent, as far as possible, the development of adult disorders .
As psychotherapy for children and adolescents differs significantly from psychotherapy for adults and requires additional education, BHIDAPA in collaboration with the D.O.M. headed by Prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja, a child neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist, is launching the first accredited educational program in the field of child and adolescent integrative psychotherapy and counseling in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
BHIDAPA Education Center is intended for all who want to continue their postgraduate education in the direction of developing knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of psychotherapy, as a special scientific and professional discipline.
We want to be a link between different modalities in psychotherapy and start from a holistic view of the individual. In addition to paying attention to the uniqueness of each child, person, we also focus on the collective, we focus on the common. We aim to offer a variety of practical and theoretical frameworks with the aim of broadening and deepening the perspective of a better understanding of development. BHIDAPA wants to be a meeting place for people with different visions and experiences. We want to bring the being back to the center, to support through education professionals who still see “child”, “adolescent”, “person”, before his / her “illness” or “problems”.
The mission of our educational center is professional development in the field of theory, methodology and research of integrative psychotherapy for children, adolescents and adults, its
application in practice, development of specialized knowledge and skills necessary to acquire professional qualifications and specializations in integrative psychotherapy.
The educational programs of BHIDAPA, as a European accredited Training Institute by EIATSCYP and EAIP, are as follows:

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Diploma in Child and Adolescent Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling
Developmental psychotherapy, as a separate and independent scientific discipline and profession, occupies a significant place in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in preserving the health and well-being of children and young people. We intend to offer quality and accredited education and skills in this area. This program includes issues that are specific to working with children and adolescents in order to offer the future psychotherapist and counsellor the necessary knowledge and skills.. More
Level 7
Diploma in Supervisor in psychotherapy
This educational program is based on previous experiences and programs conducted for more than 24 years by Ken Evans, PhD (Maslow Award for Contributions to Psychotherapy 2015). The program is based on an integrative relational approach to psychotherapeutic supervision (Gilbert & Evans, 2008). More
Level 7
Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy
Integrative psychotherapy is based on the integration of modern psychoanalytic psychotherapy (object relations, personality psychology, intersubjective approach), transactional analysis, gestalt therapy, client-cantered therapy and other, especially developmental, neurological psychologically based theories and neurosciences. Integrative psychotherapy involves the integration of different psychotherapeutic approaches. Each of these approaches allows for a partial interpretation of behaviour and is considered a valuable hypothesis of human action. More
Guided by our individual and social responsibilities for preserving the integrity of children, adolescents and families, and healthy growth and development of the individual, our desire is to develop interdisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation with domestic and foreign related associations / associations, institutes and institutions in projects that dealing with children, youth and families, and to develop standards in order to protect the rights of children. Another goal is to improve the conditions for healthy development and well-being of every child. Prevention practice at all three levels in accordance with research work, networking at all levels in order to ensure optimal conditions for healthy growth and development of children and adolescents, and permanent education in psychotherapy and counselling developmental age, but also other professions working with children, adolescents and their families, in accordance with world standards and recommendations, is the path we strive for.
The child is the present and the future of society! Raising and educating a child, being in a relationship with a lot of love, respect and clear boundaries is the greatest challenge and responsibility for every parent, teacher, professional and society as a whole.
The most important things in children’s lives are security, love, acceptance and encouragement.
Mirela Badurina, PhD, EAGT, ECP, ECAP, ECIP psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor