Interdisciplinary Network of Professionals “Here&Now”

with the consent of the competent ministries

About education/training

The results of the completion of the Virtual Crisis Intervention Project “Here & Now” initiated the need to continue working with experts who were previous participants. Support for the established interdisciplinary network of experts in the protection of children’s mental health in B&H, aimed at strengthening community resilience in providing early interventions, promoting the mental health of children, adolescents and their families, is a continuation of our joint activities.

The ultimate goal of the project was to support the established interdisciplinary network of experts in B&H, through strengthening the capacity of community resilience in providing early intervention, promoting mental health and emotional well-being of children, adolescents and their families. The project “Interdisciplinary Network of Experts” Here & Now “includes three phases of project activities:

  1. Phase: Creation and implementation of two cycles of online education-training for CMZ professionals; CSR and the education sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  2. Phase: Mental health screening of children and adolescents for further systematic planning and creation of prevention programs – central phase of the Project
  3. Creation of Manual (online and printed Latin and Cyrilic version)
  4. On-line Conference – exit phase of the Project

The education / training cycle lasts 2 months and includes seven full-day thematic modules and is based on an integrative-holistic and humanistic approach, salutogenically oriented and enables the strengthening of the interdisciplinary network of experts in B&H, now and in the future. The leaders of the educational program are members and associates of the professional multidisciplinary team of BHIDAPA.

Problem identification and response to the situation

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, there is a great deal of pressure on our children and their relationships with family, peers and their communities, which is reflected in all the professionals who meet children in their daily work.

This pressure and uncertainty can have long-term effects on the mental health of both children and adults, especially those involved in protecting and preserving the mental health of children, adolescents and families.

Building on research from around the world and clinical work with child populations who have experienced the stresses of social isolation, poverty, stigma and violence (Ungar, 2020), resilience is much more than a child’s personal ability to overcome adversity. Instead, resilience reflects how well families, schools, service providers and communities work together to create opportunities for children and young people to access the resources needed for well-being, while making those resources available in ways that young people perceive as meaningful.


Response to the situation

BHIDAPA is able with its multidisciplinary professional team and associates to implement specific education / training: Interdisciplinary Network of Experts “Here & Now”, intended for experts in social work centers, mental health centers, educational institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The problems we face during the Covid 19 pandemic are becoming more complex and require not only the constant upgrading of knowledge and skills of experts, but also the strengthening of mutual cooperation.

Specifically created education / training Interdisciplinary network of experts “Here & Now” is based on an integrative-holistic and humanistic approach, salutogenically oriented, according to the Model of preventive programs “Healthy Development” in professional and educational spaces (Lindstom, B., Eriksson, M., Wikstrom, P., 2014, adapted, Badurina, 2016).

Dynamics of program implementation

Education / training “Here & Now” lasts 2 months and includes seven modules

The modules are all-day lasting 8 hours (a total of 56 hours for the entire education).

Number of participants: 30 to max 35 participants per group (closed group)

We appreciate the support of our partners:

UNICEF B&H in cooperation with the EU,

Ministry of Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Srpska

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of FBiH,

Ministry of Education and Science of FBiH,

Brčko District Government – Department of Education

Thank you to all colleagues involved in the project for their exceptional interest and active participation.