Early development of object relations and reflections on the mental health of children and adolescents – prof. dr. med. sc. Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja, child and adolescent neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist

“Early development of object relations and reflections on
mental health of children and adolescents “
was held

Module leader was : Prof. dr.sc. Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja,
child and adolescent neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist, director of the Kocijan Polyclinic – Hercigonja, Zagreb, president of EIATSCYP

The workshop was open primarily to students of the European Educational Program in Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, but also to people involved in daily work, treatment, education, education of children and youth, and improving the mental health of children and youth and their well-being.

During the three days of the workshop, through a theoretical presentation, work in small groups, plenary discussions, large groups, participants were educated on:

– theories and teachings of E. Erikson, W.R.D. Fairbairn, M. Klein, M. Mahler, D.W. Winnicott, J. Bowlby, and others on the development of object relations in the child
– the importance of the dyadic mother-child relationship, and its reflection on all subsequent relationships,
– early formation of the object and self,
– transfer and countertransference in the therapeutic relationship and their importance for the therapeutic process,
– reflections of early object relations on therapeutic relations and other relations

Leader and graduate students
integrative psychotherapy classes for children and adolescents