Festive promotion of the third generation of child and adolescent integrative psychotherapists

After education organized according to European standards that integrates theory and research, clinical practice, individual psychotherapy, group processes, supervision, successfully passed exams and essays, self-assessment of their own development, defense of a case study, graduates acquired the condition to apply for the final exam. The final exam was held in combination, live and online. The exam consisted of two parts and included a presentation of the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of female graduates in the therapeutic treatment of children, adolescents and their parents.

Examination commission composed of:

Prof.dr.sc. Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja, dr.med., neuropsychiatrist, integrative psychotherapist for children and youth, mentor and chairwoman of the commission; Prof.dr.sc. Gordana Buljan Flander, clinical psychologist and integrative psychotherapist for children and youth, mentor and committee member; Prof.dr.sc. Mirjana Graovac, dr.med., psychiatrist, specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychoanalytic psychotherapist, mentor and committee member,

assessed the defense of the final exam of the graduates in accordance with the demonstrated knowledge and skills.

The chairwoman of the examination commission presented the decision of the commission and promoted the third generation of graduate children and adolescent integrative psychotherapists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia.

Child and adolescent integrative psychotherapists of the third generation of the educational program are:

(in the order of taking the exam)

Mia Roje Đapić, Jelena Subašić, Merima Špirtović, Maja Žuljević, Marija Pavlović, Amra Razman, Iskra Mihalj, Katarina Višić i Samira Omerkić.

The exam and the ceremony were moderated by Belma Šteta, an integrative psychotherapist in education.

Prim. mr.sc. dr. Azra Arnautović, pediatrician and integrative psychotherapist for children and adolescents, took on a significant role of keeping minutes of the final exam.

After taking the Oath, Jelena Subašić, a representative of the third generation of graduate psychotherapists, addressed the gathering, and the ceremony was rounded off with a short film by our graduates about the path of growth and development through 4.5. annual educational program.

Members of the educational and professional team of BHIDAPA, individual psychotherapists and supervisors, sincerely congratulate their colleagues on successfully passing the final exam and deserved diploma!

Bosansko-hercegovačka integrativna dječija i adolescentna psihoterapijska Asocijacija – BHIDAPA, pokrenula je u 2015. godini, prvi europski akreditovani edukacijski program na području Bosne i Hercegovine iz oblasti dječije i adolescentne integrativne psihoterapije i savjetovanja, u suradnji sa Institutom D.O.M. iz Hrvatske i EIATSCYP-om (European Interdisciplinary Association for Therapeutic Services for Children & Young People), a u skladu sa europskim standardima EAIP-a i preporukama WHO (World Health Organization).

Potrebu za specijaliziranim edukacijskim programom pokazali su rezultati istraživanja na našem području o mentalnom zdravlju djece i adolescenata, te deficit stručnjaka specifično educiranih iz oblasti mentalnog zdravlja djece i adolescenata. Rezultati jasno naglašavaju potrebu jačanja javne svijesti o zdravom razvoju djeteta, značaj adekvatnih preventivnih akcija u ovoj životnoj dobi, a prije svega edukaciju profesionalaca iz oblasti psihijatrije i psihoterapije razvojne dobi. Zdravstvena situacija izazvana COVID 19 i njenim posljedicama po mentalno zdravlje djece i mladih, dodatno nas poziva na stručnu edukaciju o razumijevanju poteškoća kod djece i mladih i odgovornom djelovanju.

Europski akreditovan edukacijski program educira kandidate za sticanje profesionalnih, istraživačkih i akademskih iskustava s posebnim naglaskom na kliničke vještine. Predavači u edukaciji su svjetski priznati stručnjaci iz područja neuropsihijatrije, psihologije, socijalnog rada, psihoterapije iz: Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Srbije, Francuske, Slovenije, Velike Britanije i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.

Vodeći se našim pojedinačnim i društvenim odgovornostima za očuvanje i unapređenje zdravlja i dobrobiti djece i mladih, želja nam je da nastavimo sa realizovati edukacijske programe iz dječje i adolescentne integrativne psihoterapije i savjetovanja, prateći najviše europske i svjetske standarde. Naša misija je razvoj  i jačanje interdisciplinarne i intersektoralne saradnje sa domaćim i inozemnim stručnjacima, srodnim Udrugama, Institutima i Institucijama koje se bave djecom i mladima i težimo kreiranju jedinstvenih standarda preventivnog djelovanja za dobrobit svakog djeteta.“   S uvažavanjem, Osnivač i direktorica BHIDAPA-e, dr.sc Mirela Badurina sa saradnicima