Modul 1.
topic: Basic information on Virtual and Telephone Crisis Interventions
Objective: To acquaint participants with the overall education and its purpose, virtual / telephone crisis interventions and providing support to children, adolescents and their parents.
Modul 2.
topic: Psychological reactions to the crisis in children, adolescents and adults; Multidisciplinary assessment, diagnosis and interventions (triage)
goal: Recognition of psychological reactions to the crisis situation, and the difference between expected and acceptable reactions to increased stress and crisis (which do not require crisis interventions), and pathological reactions (where crisis intervention is necessary) and possible development of mental health problems of children, adolescents and adults . Identification of individuals and / or groups in need of additional support (triage).
Modul 3.
topic: Phases of crisis interventions and group / family work
Objective: To strengthen group / family cohesion / cohesion and the processes that take place during crisis interventions
Modul 4.
topic: Support to parents and guardians in maintaining the mental health of children and youth during the crisis with special reference to high-conflict divorces
Objective: To empower professionals who provide virtual and telephone crisis intervention and counseling services to provide adequate support to parents by strengthening parenting competencies and reducing parental stress Strengthening connections with other institutions
Modul 5.
topic: The role of kindergartens and schools in times of crisis in maintaining the mental health of children and youth
goal: Strengthening protective factors within the school environment and the importance of supporting educational staff and parents in jointly achieving the goal for the welfare of children. Strengthening the parent-kindergarten-school relationship in preserving the mental health of children and adolescents
Modul 6.
topic: Violence against children in times of crisis with an emphasis on sexual exploitation and abuse
goal: Protection of children from violence in crisis situations and reduction of harmful consequences for children’s mental health, through timely identification of violence against children, and acquisition of skills for working with child victims of violence. Adopt practical skills and tools to help participants protect children from violence through timely and adequate response (intersecoral cooperation)
Modul 7.
topic: Application of projective techniques in virtual crisis interventions in working with children, youth and parents
Objective: To present the application and importance of projective techniques in virtual crisis interventions and treatment
Remind experts to accept crisis-oriented goals and interventions aimed at strengthening resilience capacity
Modul 8.
topic: The importance of support in maintaining the mental health of professionals working in crisis
goal: To present and address the topic of intervision and supervision as protective factors of professionals
Participants’ reflection on the entire educational program and identification of further steps of intersectoral cooperation (what is missing in effective participation in crisis interventions)