Child neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist
Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, neuropsychiatrist, subspecialist child and adolescent psychiatry, psychotherapist, retired. Born in 1938 in Pleškovac, Čakovec. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb (1962), M.Sc. (1975), Ph.D. (1979), title of dissertation: “Analysis of Causal factors leading to psychological changes in people with epilepsy”. She worked at the Jankomir Psychiatric Hospital where she founded the first Autism Center in the former Yugoslavia. She was an advisor to the Government of the Republic of Croatia and a head of the psychosocial assistance program for war victims. Established the Mental Health Center in Children’s Disease Hospital. Head of the National Center for Psychotraum and Center for Distressed Disorders. Now she works in her own Polyclinic Kocijan / Hercigonja. She has published 66 papers. Author and Co-author of 14 books, 19 chapters in books. Some of the most important awards: Life Achievement Award for Child Rights Promotion (2008); Laureate for Contributing to Psychotherapy in Croatia (2008); Medal of bravery Katarina Zrinski. Regular member of AMZH since 1983. She is President of the European Association for Therapeutic Services for Children and Young People (EIATSCYP).